Do you want to help women struggling with unexpected pregnancies process their circumstances, receive the resources and information they need to move forward?

Elevate Life is proud to partner with individuals and groups that support the mission for life. If you feel called to get involved in this cause, we would love for you to join us, whether that be as a volunteer, an employee, or as a financial supporter.


Elevate Life is always looking for like-minded individuals to help us in our mission. If you are feeling called to donate your time to our cause, learn more about volunteer opportunities.


We offer internships in the following fields and will work with you to craft projects or meet your school’s requirements to achieve  course credit while you help us help the families we serve.

    • PR/Marketing/Communications
    • Proposal and Grant Writing
    • Special Events Coordination
    • Program Management
    • Fundraising

Click here to download our internship application.

For more information about Internships

Please contact us at

Employment Opportunities

We have several openings across our Affiliate locations as well as opportunities for employment in our main office. If you are interested in making the mission for life your career, read about our current employment openings.


Elevate Life relies on donations from people who believe in our mission and feel called to support it financially. Without the generosity of those who are committed to life, we would not be where we are today. Learn more about how to support us financially.

Contact us

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