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To gift shares of stock to Elevate Life, please use the following information:

Firm: Charles Schwab
DTC Number: 0164
Account Title: Elevate Life
Account Number: 1274-2147

Thank you for helping us build a culture of Life! Since we became Elevate Life, your donation has:


Affiliate Locations


Affiliate Services Provided


Grants Given

Your Donation Saves Lives

Your generosity and support make Elevate Life able to provide our affiliated network of pregnancy resource centers and clinics with the services and support they need to thrive. All donations made are 100% tax-deductible, and greatly appreciated by our organization!

Easy Ways to Make Your Gift Go Farther

  • If you already use Amazon, try Amazon Smile – Elevate Life will receive 0.5% of your purchases.  Here is our link:
  • Check to See if your Company offers matching gifts:  

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