Membership Standards

Elevate Life Members

will operate according to the following:

  • Members will fully comply with federal and state laws and regulations governing nonprofit organizations.

  • Members will operate according to the member’s Articles of Incorporation and By-laws.

  • Members will not perform or provide a referral for abortion services.

  • Members will not advertise or use any form of communication that might mislead the public as to the services rendered by it, including without limitation the language used on its websites, advertisements, promotional materials, or elsewhere.

  • Members will provide medical services:
  • Under the authority and direction of a licensed physician in good standing with the applicable state licensing board and 
  • By licensed healthcare professionals trained within the scope of practice

  • All client materials containing medical content are approved by a physician prior to use by the member.

  • Client information is held in strict and absolute confidence. Releases and permissions are obtained appropriately. Client information is only disclosed as required by law and when necessary to protect the client or others against imminent harm.

  • Medically accurate information on options such as parenting, adoption, and abortion is provided in a respectful, compassionate way.

  • The pregnancy center does not recommend, provide, or refer for contraceptives. However, education on abortion, and all forms of contraception is provided by trained professionals.

  • Staff members having contact with clients will complete Elevate Life’s Center Services ELITE training either in person or online before seeing clients.

  • Members will carry both general and professional liability insurance as well as medical liability when offering medical services (including pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, STD/STI tests, etc.).

  • Members comply with applicable legal and regulatory requirements regarding employment, fundraising, financial management, taxation, and public disclosure, including the filing of all applicable government reports in a timely manner.

  • The board oversees a director who implements board policy and manages center operations. Any paid staff are compensated according to applicable local, state, and federal labor laws.