Church Resources

Your Help is Crucial

Supporting Life at its Earliest Stages by Supporting Moms and Dads

Pregnant and parenting mothers in need are present in our parishes and neighborhoods, seeking support and care.

As Jesus reminds us in John 13:34-35,

“I give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have loved you, so you also should love one another. This is how all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”

It is essential that every pregnant woman knows she is loved and where she can find assistance and encouragement.

Churches and pregnancy resource centers have a unique opportunity to collaborate and thereby provide holistic care to mothers and new parents. Churches can provide practical and spiritual support, strengthen existing pregnancy center initiatives by offering volunteers, donations, or facilities, and use their unique gifts and talents to create new programs tailored to meet the needs of mothers in their community.

We invite you and your congregation to join us in this mission to support pregnancy resource centers and help them provide the best care.
Stay up to date on ways you can assist by signing up for our emails and mailings.

Below the form are some practical ideas for building up the support your congregation can provide.


Growing Your Church's Support

Whether you're looking to start or expand your ministry, the PRAY and HOPE frameworks below provide faith-filled pathways to nurture, empower, and support families. These acronyms emphasize the importance of spiritual care, practical assistance, and connection to professional resources, equipping your church to be a beacon of love and encouragement. By implementing these principles, your ministry can reflect Christ’s compassion and build a thriving community where parents and their children feel truly supported.


Spiritual Support

The PRAY acronym emphasizes a Christ-centered approach to supporting new moms and dads, focusing on their spiritual well-being as they navigate the joys and challenges of pregnancy and


  • P – Provide Spiritual Resources

    • Devotionals for Parents: Share faith-based devotionals specifically written for new moms and dads, focusing on God’s promises and guidance.
    • Prayer Cards: Distribute personalized scripture cards for parents to reflect on during moments of fatigue or uncertainty.
    • Sacramental Preparation: Offer resources to help parents understand and prepare for sacraments such as baptism, connecting their child’s life to the faith community.
    • Professional Referrals: Maintain a directory of spiritually integrated psychotherapists for parents experiencing challenges like postpartum depression, anxiety, or relationship struggles.
  • R – Reach Out with Prayer and Community

    • Prayer Partners: Pair parents with prayer partners who will commit to praying for them and their child regularly.
    • Intercessory Prayer Gatherings: Host regular prayer meetings where the congregation prays over new families, seeking God’s blessing and provision for them.
    • Faith-Based Parenting Groups: Create small groups where parents can share their struggles and joys, encouraging one another through scripture and prayer.
  • A – Affirm Their Role in God’s Plan

    • Celebrate Their Vocation: Remind parents that their role as mothers and fathers is a sacred calling and a reflection of God’s love.
    • Encouragement in Faith: Offer pastoral counseling or spiritual direction to help parents see God’s hand in their parenting journey.
    • Blessing Ceremonies: Organize special blessings for new parents during church services to affirm their faith and commitment to raising their children in Christ.
  • Y – Yield to God’s Grace

    • Teach Trust in God’s Provision: Offer Bible studies or retreats focused on surrendering control to God and trusting Him in the midst of parenting challenges.
    • Encourage a Prayerful Lifestyle: Equip parents with practical tips for incorporating prayer into daily routines with their children.
    • Celebrate Milestones in Faith: Host events to commemorate spiritual milestones, such as baby dedications or the first time bringing their child to church.

Building Faith-Focused Friendships

  • Prayer Circles for Moms and Dads: Create dedicated prayer groups where parents can build bonds through shared faith.
  • Discipleship Partnerships: Match parents with spiritually mature couples in the church who can mentor them in faith and parenting.
  • Fellowship Events: Organize family-friendly faith-based gatherings like worship nights, scripture-based parenting workshops, or Bible study picnics.

By implementing PRAY, churches can provide new moms and dads with spiritual nourishment, helping them deepen their trust in God and grow in their faith as they embrace the sacred vocation of parenthood.


Community Support

The HOPE acronym offers a structured approach for churches to provide holistic and meaningful support to pregnant women and new parents, fostering not just practical assistance but a sense of community and belonging. Here's how to implement it:

  • H - Help in Practical Ways

    • Resource Support: Organize a baby pantry stocked with essentials like diapers, wipes, formula, and clothing.
    • Meal Ministry: Coordinate meal trains for families after childbirth to ease the transition.
    • Transportation Assistance: Offer rides to medical appointments, errands, or church events.
  • O - Offer Opportunities for Connection

    • Mentorship Programs: Pair new or expecting parents with seasoned parents in the congregation for guidance and support.
    • Friendship Circles: Create small groups specifically for parents, fostering friendships and shared experiences.
    • Check-Ins: Have church volunteers regularly check in with families to offer encouragement and prayer.
  • P – Provide Emotional and Spiritual Support

    • Encouraging Words: Share personalized notes of encouragement and scripture to uplift families.
    • Support Groups: Facilitate groups for parents to process emotions like anxiety, postpartum challenges, or grief over unmet expectations.
    • Pastoral Counseling: Offer access to pastoral care for spiritual guidance and emotional support.
    • Professional Referrals: Maintain a directory of spiritually integrated psychotherapists for parents experiencing challenges like postpartum depression, anxiety, or relationship struggles.
  • E – Empower with Education and Resources

    • Parenting Classes: Offer workshops on topics like infant care, breastfeeding, and managing postpartum challenges.
    • Faith-Based Resources: Distribute materials that integrate parenting advice with Christian principles.
    • Skill Training: Provide classes on budgeting, meal planning, or stress management to equip parents for success.

Integrating Friendships

  • Create Intentional Social Spaces: Set up informal coffee mornings or playdates to foster friendships among parents.
  • Promote Intergenerational Relationships: Encourage older church members to share their wisdom and support with young families.
  • Celebrate Milestones Together: Host events that honor milestones like baby dedications or first birthdays, bringing the community together in celebration.

By focusing on these four pillars, churches can cultivate a welcoming and supportive environment where pregnant women and new parents feel loved, equipped, and connected to their faith and community.